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To start off, here's the format for group multipliers.
GROUP_NAME is the name of the group. This will be used in the permission node economobs.groups<group_name>.
WEIGHT is the weight of that group. The higher the number, the higher priority of that group.
MULTIPLIER is the multiplier an entity, weapon, or world provides within that group.
When you fill this out, it should look something like this:
Not all tags are required, you may remove any section if you don't wish to use it. For example, you can remove the "worlds" section from the group if you have no world-based multipliers.
When you assign multiple ranks to a user, the plugin depends on the weights you have set to your groups. The higher the number the higher priority for the group over others.
By determining weight, such as the default being 0, and for example - legendary being 5; legendary has higher priority than default.